Featured Articles

10 More Life Lessons you should have learned from Dad! (but maybe didn’t)

This is the second installment of insightful advice for becoming a better man. Key points include: handling anger and violence, focusing on one moment at a time, questioning beliefs, managing wants, seeking guidance, avoiding cynicism, understanding others' stories, spreading love, and avoiding complaints and lies. Upholding integrity is emphasized as a mark of a real man.

The Dangers of Deceptive Freedom

Beware the illusion of sin without consequence. Satan specializes in withholding immediate repercussions, luring you deeper into sin. Learn to recognize this deceptive freedom and take immediate action to repent. Your spiritual life hangs in the balance.

Navigating Your Journey: A Guide for Young Men Back in School

Discover the path to unwavering faith amidst the challenges of school life in our insightful blog post, 'Navigating Your Journey: A Guide for Young Men Back in School.' Dive into spiritual guidance and practical tips to remain faithful as a young man, making your academic journey a fulfilling and steadfast one.


Discover the profound impact of our choices on the path to spiritual growth. In the realm of Christian Ethics, we explore the hidden dangers of pornography, shedding light on its addictive nature and providing guidance to break free. Join us on a journey towards purity and spiritual wholeness.

Video Games and Virtue: Navigating Digital Worlds as a Christian

Explore the ethical considerations of gaming as a Christian man. From violence to language, learn how to navigate virtual worlds while upholding your spiritual integrity. Discover how gaming can even serve as a form of Christian fellowship.

The Power of Words

Discover the transformative power of words through a Christian lens. Learn why the Bible places such importance on our speech, and explore key Biblical principles that can guide us. This post offers timely wisdom for young Christian men on listening, speaking wisely, and the spiritual ramifications of our words.

Cycle of Sin

Discover the path to spiritual freedom as we explore the challenging cycle of temptation, regret, and repentance. Learn how to navigate these hurdles from a Christian perspective, and find the true freedom that only comes from a relationship with God. Your journey to a more fulfilling spiritual life starts here.

Understanding Love: A Modern Perspective for Christian Young Men

Explore the multifaceted nature of love through a Christian lens. This insightful post breaks down love into four types—eros, phileo, storge, and agape—each vital for a fulfilling life. Understand how to nurture each kind of love in your relationships and grow spiritually and emotionally. Perfect for young Christian men.


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Join our coaching team and help us help them on their journey toward Godly Manhood!


🎙️ Podcast

Teen Dating: Balance & Wisdom

Discover the keys to successful teen dating! Our insightful blog offers practical advice for young adults seeking meaningful relationships. Learn how to navigate dating with a balanced perspective, set realistic expectations, and seek God's wisdom for lasting connections. Uncover the secrets to building healthy relationships today

I Have a Problem With…

Wish you a place to vent, just because we are Christians doesn't mean that we are always happy and joyful, sometimes we have simply have an issue with something or it really gets under our skin.

Career Paths

Career planning is great but not every plan ends up the way that you hoped and what to do if plans don't always work out!

5 Rules of Being a Guy

Ever wondered what "being a guy" really is, today we take a somewhat tongue in cheek approach and discuss an often wondered about topic.

The Coronavirus Episode

Today we take a break and talk about the world wide pandemic that hit our planet.

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Latest Articles

De-Construction in progress…

Explore the nuanced journey of faith questioning in this insightful blog post. Drawing parallels from childhood curiosity, the author delves into the contemporary trend of "deconstructing" one's faith. Emphasizing the importance of sincere inquiry, the post advocates for mindful exploration and challenges readers to approach skepticism with intellectual integrity.

Time Management: Balancing Faith and Life

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, carving out time for prayer and Bible reading can be a challenge. Explore the significance of effective time management and unlock practical tips to make these essential practices a part of your daily routine. Find balance in your spiritual journey and experience the rewards it brings to your relationship with God.

Creepy Jesus Pictures

Explore the dynamic facets of Jesus seldom discussed. He wasn't just a gentle figure; he displayed righteous indignation and courage. Discover the real Jesus who challenged norms, turned tables, and calls us to be strong yet compassionate in our faith. Uncover the complexity of Christ in this eye-opening blog post.

Social Media Coordinator

Unlock your potential as a Social Media Coordinator in our dynamic team, promoting Christian values online. Dive into the world of digital ministry, gain invaluable experience, and help us reach hearts worldwide. Join us today to make a difference in the digital realm and grow your social media skills! #VolunteerOpportunity #ChristianMission

Area Director

Join us in leading a transformative mission! Christian Guys Ministries is seeking dedicated Area Directors to nurture and empower Christian communities. If you're passionate about leadership, community growth, and Christian values, this telecommute opportunity allows you to make a lasting impact. Be part of our inspiring journey today!

Nourishing Your Heart: The Power of God’s Word in Your Journey toward Godly Manhood

Unlock the secrets to becoming a godly man on your journey of faith. Discover the transformative power of God's Word in our latest blog post. Dive into the depths of Scripture, nurture your heart, and embrace a path to spiritual growth like never before. Don't miss out!

Fitness and Faith: Building Physical and Spiritual Strength

Discover how fitness and faith can coexist and complement each other. Learn the importance of discipline, community, and ethical practices in achieving a balanced life that honors God. This post explores the Biblical perspective on physical fitness and offers practical tips for young Christian men.

Guiding Lights: The Transformative Power of Mentoring in Spiritual Growth

Discover the transformative power of mentorship on your spiritual journey in our latest blog post. From finding your identity to navigating doubts, explore how a mentor or coach can light your path to deeper faith and personal growth. Join us on this illuminating journey of spiritual development.

Tithing in the Modern Age: What Young Men Should Know

Discover the relevance of tithing in today's digital age. This blog post explores the biblical basis of tithing and offers practical tips for young Christian men seeking to honor God through their finances. Learn how tithing is more than just an obligation—it's an act of worship and stewardship.


🛡️ Cohorts

Why Social Media Quotes Won’t Define Your Relationship: A Guide for Christian Young Men

Navigating love and relationships in today's digital age? Don't let social media quotes mislead you. Learn why these posts lack depth, how they can set unrealistic expectations, and why true relationship wisdom comes from a Christ-centered life. A must-read guide for Christian young men

Why are we drawn to Superheros

Why do guys naturally gravitate to superheroes? Who is your favorite superhero & Why?

A Guy’s Life

A walk through a young man's life and choices.

Area Director

Join us in leading a transformative mission! Christian Guys Ministries is seeking dedicated Area Directors to nurture and empower Christian communities. If you're passionate about leadership, community growth, and Christian values, this telecommute opportunity allows you to make a lasting impact. Be part of our inspiring journey today!

Finding Balance: Study, Work, and Spiritual Growth

Discover the key to a balanced life as a young Christian man juggling studies, work, and spiritual growth. Learn how prioritizing restful breaks, effective collaboration, and consistent spiritual practice can help you excel in both academics and faith. Your path to a well-rounded life starts here.